Help Missouri Set a New 75% Waste Diversion Goal!
It won’t be easy passing new legislation to update the 40% diversion goal that was passed in 1990. But MORA wants to help make it easier for you to help spread the word about the campaign with some simple tools and resources:
2018 Target Material Resource Guides
Strive for 75% Talking Points
Here are some quick facts to help explain why setting more aggressive diversion targets are important for Missouri to expand our economy, strengthen or communities and improve our environment.
- The current Missouri waste diversion goal of 40% was set in 1990 and met in 2009. The success of that initiative is outlined in the MORA publication “Recycling in Missouri: A 2013 Progress Report”. Missouri has much more opportunity to build on the success of the 40% goal by recovering the estimated 48% of resources still going to landfills.
- A 2010 Missouri Green Jobs Report states “The conversion, distribution, and sale of recycled raw materials create jobs integral to the green economy.” Landfilling recyclable material is throwing away opportunities for jobs and economic growth.
- Obtaining raw materials to manufacture new products is increasingly expensive and difficult. 75% diversion saves energy and virgin resources by diverting materials back into the economic loop.
- Waste diversion and recycling is at the foundation of every Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program. To stay competitive and attract companies, Missouri needs to continue to grow the infrastructure to recover more fiber, food waste, plastics, electronics, construction and demolition wastes.
- 35,000,000 tons of food are wasted every year in the U.S. A 75% waste diversion goal will expand infrastructure and resource to divert food to hungry people. Food not suitable for human consumption can be turned to animal feed, biofuel compost or other beneficial products.
- A 2001 report by the Tellus Institute with Sound Resource Management states that “Increasing the national waste diversion rate to 75% will significantly and sustainably create 1.5 million additional jobs by 2030.
Strive for 75% Pledge Form
Research done by Keep America Beautiful has demonstrated that making a commitment, such as taking a pledge can have an impact on motivating behavior. A pledge is also an easy way to engage people in the campaign:
By linking to this page on your website, in your newsletter, in your email signature and of course via your social media accounts, you can promote the online pledge form (above). The online pledge can also be used at events by:
A small token or give-away is a good idea to thank people for taking the pledge. Another idea is to provide a large prize and the attendees are entered into a drawing for taking the pledge. A basket of recycled content items is a great prize that also illustrates that recyclables are turned into new products!
When using the paper pledges, please report to MORA via email to [email protected] the following information:
- Setting up a lap top for individuals to take the pledge on-line.
- Printing the pledge card (template available here) and having the attendees complete the form.
A small token or give-away is a good idea to thank people for taking the pledge. Another idea is to provide a large prize and the attendees are entered into a drawing for taking the pledge. A basket of recycled content items is a great prize that also illustrates that recyclables are turned into new products!
When using the paper pledges, please report to MORA via email to [email protected] the following information:
- Organization holding the event
- Location and zip code of event
- Total number of pledges received
Strive for 75% Banners and Business Cards
MORA members can request up to 25 business cards to promote Strive for 75% to their contacts and can borrow a pull-up banner to display at events. This is just one benefit to being a MORA member! If you are not a member, please consider joining now to become part of the grassroots effort to move Missouri to 75% Waste Diversion.
Become a Member or Click here to reserve banner or business cards. Resource: Zero Waste Connection - an online community of zero waste practitioners and a clearinghouse to support the work of this community. Join the network by visiting
Green JobsLast year Missouri exported $451 million in metals, paper, and plastics to other
countries that recycled these materials into goods, many of which are sold back to the U.S. What if we recycled the materials into Made in Missouri products? A study by the National Institute of Local Self-Reliance calculated that every 10,000 tons of waste diverted from landfills could create 10 recycling jobs or 75 materials reuse jobs. Every year, our state buries over 4 million tons of materials in landfills that could have diverted into thousands of new recycling jobs. Missouri needs good jobs; we cannot afford to waste this opportunity! Join MORA in moving Missouri toward a 75% recycling and waste diversion goal! |
THIS YEAR MORA IS WORKING TO:1. Advance legislation that would significantly increase the recovery of electronics that are now disposed in Missouri landfills.
2. Increase the recycling and beneficial use of organic waste, especially food waste.
MORA partners with the Composting and Organics Association of Missouri (COAM) to provide
education, technical assistance and promote organics recycling across the state. Unsustainable numbers:
3. Build new markets and methods for recycling construction and demolition (C&D) waste.
4. Increase recycling at home, schools and universities, and business and government.
MORA’s new website contains updated information on how and where to recycle a wide variety of items.
MORA will continue to work at the state level to develop policies, deliver programs, share resources, and compile results on recycling impacts in Missouri. |
Be a Leader!
Click to enlarge or download our 75% waste diversion fact sheets for your sector.
C&D E-Scrap Food Waste Paint Textiles
C&D E-Scrap Food Waste Paint Textiles
More Jobs. Less Pollution: Growing the Recycling Economy in the U.S.

An excellent study on growing a green economy through recycling was published in 2011 from the Tellus Institute and widely disseminated through government agencies, environmental organizations, unions and workforce development groups. The study provides strong evidence that achieving a 75% diversion rate for municipal solid waste (MSW) and construction and demolition debris (C&D) by 2030 will result in:
• 2.3 million recycling jobs
• Reduction of almost 515 million metric tons of greenhouse gases - equivalent to shutting down about 72 coal power plants or taking 50 million cars off the road.
• Significant reductions in air emissions that impact human health and ecosystems.
• Immeasurable benefits of reducing the use of non-renewable resources and conserving energy throughout the materials
Click on the image to download the free report.
• 2.3 million recycling jobs
• Reduction of almost 515 million metric tons of greenhouse gases - equivalent to shutting down about 72 coal power plants or taking 50 million cars off the road.
• Significant reductions in air emissions that impact human health and ecosystems.
• Immeasurable benefits of reducing the use of non-renewable resources and conserving energy throughout the materials
Click on the image to download the free report.